The story of Boeing as a lesson for us all

During one of my interviews in late 2023 - early 2024, a person asked me: “Who cares about the language we choose or frameworks or type system… all that matters is a working product”. I wrote about it already, but I used a clumsy analogy with building a house. Recently, however, the internet (or at least, the algorithms that take care of my YouTube feed) started buzzing with news about the problems at Boeing....

March 11, 2024 · 3 min
Photo by Wolfgang Rottmann on Unsplash

Common mistakes when using TypeScript

I chose the railway photo for the cover for a reason. TypeScript as a type system has many powerful and unique features. But people often do not know about them or neglect them. In this post, I want to highlight some common escape hatches that people use and why they make TypeScript feel like bloated JavaScript. More often than not, we use TypeScript as bloated JavaScript. For example, { options: Record<string, string> } I would argue that this is why people keep saying that TypeScript doesn’t add much value....

August 29, 2023 · 7 min